Violet Flame Alchemy – HLC


The Violet Flame is regarded as the highest form of Alchemy. The primary purpose of the Violet Flame is transmutation. It is the transformation of dark to light, of lower vibration to higher vibration. This is a 4 to 5 hour class that you can take on your own pace.


The Violet Flame is regarded as the highest form of Alchemy. The primary purpose of the Violet Flame is transmutation. It is the transformation of dark to light, of lower vibration to higher vibration.

Violet Flame Invocation Ceremony
Violet Flame Applications and Meditations
There are many ways to use the Violet Flame here are the most common ones that I have discovered and will share to you during the class.
-For healing physical sickness in any degree, may it be something as simple as a cold or as complicated as cancer.
-For healing mental states; the violet flame can bring your thoughts to a higher state of mind.
-For removing black magic, curses, negative vampiric entities and gayuma
-For cleansing spaces such as homes, cities, countries and even the entire planet
-For erasing karma; the violet flame is known to be a cosmic eraser that can remove family karma or personal karma
-For mending relationships with people especially after a conflict
-For erasing traumatic experiences and the negative effects of it to people in a conscious and subconscious level.
-For accelerating spiritual growth and development

This is a 4 to 5 hour class that you can take on your own pace.

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