Healing Through Your Mind – HLC


Our minds are more powerful than we THINK and our bodies naturally can heal itself. If you believe unwaveringly in miracles, then you can make it happen. The first step of healing is wanting to heal, next is believing that you can. This is a 4 to 5 hour class that you can take on your own pace.


Our minds are more powerful than we THINK and our bodies naturally can heal itself. If you believe unwaveringly in miracles, then you can make it happen. The first step of healing is wanting to heal, next is believing that you can.
I discovered this early on in my awakening where in I was able to completely make warts disappear with just a simple meditation technique. I was a complete beginner at that time and the warts just fell of after 3 days of 10 minute meditations. I can attest many of my students who were able to perform healings for themselves and others only through the mind even on their first try.

This class only requires 3 things: FOCUS, FOLOW THROUGH AND FAITH.
This is an online class and you will do the meditations in the comforts of your own home.

This is a 4 to 5 hour class that you can take on your own pace.

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