4th Dimensional Entities – HLC


Class coverage:
-Spirit communication and understanding them, how to interact with them
-Information about the most common 4th dimensional entities
-How to know if there is psychic attack/ possession/ vampiric attachment or elemental attachment
-Shielding Techniques
-Banishing Techniques
-Meditation exercises on Spirit communication

This is a 4 to 5 hour class that you can take on your own pace.


The Third Eye and the Causal Chakras work together in accessing communication with 4th Dimensional entities.
In the beginning of my journey, I felt a lot of hate towards these entities but when I had hands on experience on communicating, negotiating and even discussing with them, the more I understood how to peacefully set boundaries and have a much better way of handling things rather than taking a hyper-aggressive stance. After all, these entities also recognize universal laws, energy and vibration.
We will discuss some personal techniques that I have used throughout years of experimentation. I have interacted with different kinds of 4th dimensional entities as well as higher dimensional beings and there are differences on how they relate to us. Some 4th dimensional entities we will talk about are; spirits of those who passed away, elementals, demons and vampiric entities.
Remember that fear only exists when there is something unknown. Once we fill ourselves with light, information and understanding, there is nothing more to fear.

Class coverage:
-Spirit communication and understanding them, how to interact with them
-Information about the most common 4th dimensional entities
-How to know if there is psychic attack/ possession/ vampiric attachment or elemental attachment
-Shielding Techniques
-Banishing Techniques
-Meditation exercises on Spirit communication

This is a 4 to 5 hour class that you can take on your own pace.

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