
All words hold vibrations and the same sounds, syllables and similar names have almost always the same meaning or energy. Morning has the energy of fresh starts, beginnings and a sense of peace and calmness. Mourning, holds the same kind of frequency it being the same sound.

I found losing a loved one and having known what I know now about souls being immortal, about death being a grand rebirth, about dying feeling free.. I did not go through painful denial or depression about the deaths of my family members.

Not because I did not feel sad, but because it seems funny to me to be crying while you can call, feel, see and sense their presence anytime. People get too attached to the physical body. The fact is, the body is just for us to experience pain and all denser energies for learning and the soul or light body does not hold any pain. At the moment of Death, I see how they become free beings. Less stressed, smiling, being able to go places they couldn’t anymore when they were living, being able to do things that were already limited by the health of their physical body.

As the Earth ascends, all denser energies of people in each family are being given a choice to self-examine and adjust their vibrational frequency (actions, thoughts, emotions, beliefs and intenions) to a higher quality. So, if you take a look at your family and you are the one toxic, always triggered, always afraid, brooding, depressed and unstable to thr point that you are the densest (mabigat na enerhiya) one, remember that you are creating your reality. It is not because of what others are doing or feeling. It is about your own perception of things and situations.


Family generational karma includes dissolving connections that have been very cyclical and toxic. As an example:

Two members of the family have had a difficult relationship to the point of creating a lot of stress to their physical body or even blocks in abundance or other areas..they will first get illnesses and then when one of them dies, the one connected to the karmic energy will also die shortly after.

This is why when someone dies in the family and another one dies immediately within a span of a year, observe their relationship. It would have been problematic or traumatic for them. When one host dies, the supply of energy (in this case dense energy) is cut off. The other host then energetically has a gap and vulnerability because of the lost energy cord. The karmic contract will then end and the heaviest lessons, learned.

Take a look at your family members (if any) who died in groups? Or those who died shortly after the other? I leave it to you to connect the dots.

Karma is a heavy contract that creates loops in your life blueprint. Look at your cyclical problems and issues in life. When the lessons are learned, karmic relationships end. Some end in fights, distance but some end in their demise from this reality. EVERYTHING happens AT THE RIGHT TIME. There are NO mistakes.