Les Coquillages Beach Resort

Burias Island, Claveria, Masbate

March 18-22, 2022


Greeting Dear Ones!

The season officially changes four (4) times a year. And each change is marked by a specific point known as an EQUINOX or a SOLSTICE. One term is used for the transition from winter to spring and summer to fall, and one is used for the switch from spring to summer and fall to winter. An equinox is one of the two times of the year when the amount of daylight and nighttime hours are just about of equal length, meaning, the Light and Dark in our Planet are BALANCED.

The two equinoxes occur around March 20–21 and September 22–23, marking the onset of both spring and autumn. The rituals related to the Equinoxes are associated with RENEWAL, GROWTH, PURIFICATION, and in some instances, a TRANSITIONAL OPPORTUNITY or TIMELINE JUMP to a destiny. It is the New Year’s celebration of the Ancient Times.

Vernal Equinox is the most anticipated season in terms of RENEWAL here in our tropical country because it marks the start of the SUMMER. A wonderful season to HEAL, RE-CHARGE, RE-NEW and RE-MEMBER our PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL energies with the help of Mother Gaia, the Soul of the Earth. Thus, it also represents the perfect opportunity to align with the energy of the Universe and purify the Soul through different practices such as meditations, ceremonies, lectures, dances, bonfire, swimming and music.

Island life is the best place for this Season, especially if there is a crystal clear water where you can swim with the nemos, gaze on a beautiful golden sunset, breath the fresh air from the balcony of the beach front cottages, nurture your Soul with High Vibrational Enlightened Cosmic Knowledge and Information and your body with fresh seafoods, fruits and vegetables from the Island. This is where you can really feel the healing power of all the elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth in one set of activity.

ALL-IN PACKAGE! 12,222 /head

4 Days and 4 Nights Island Retreat


-2-way Van Transportation from Metro Manila

-2 way Boat Transportation

-4 sets of Breakfast, 4 sets of Lunch and 4 sets of Dinner. Snacks and Coffee are also provided -Shared Beach Front Cottage Lodging w/ Restroom

-Bonfire and Spring Equinox Gathering

-Higher Learning Classes Bundle (Valued at 8k) Higher Learning Classes included:

-Carl Jung Shadow Work-Kundalini & 12 Chakra System Activation

-Advanced Intuitive Training

*This Batch of Retreat is LIMITED ONLY to first 12 Persons to sign up.

*Itinerary will be sent upon successful registration

Facilitators: Mizraim Siazar and Leshara Maniego

Spiritual Guides, Intuitive Coaches, Starseeds and Twin Flames

To join us for KNOW THYSELF 2022 (Equinox Island Retreat), please sign up below on this official website: