Free Audio for Throat Activation Guided Meditation for the Throat Chakra
Guided Meditation for Throat Divine Rays and Speaking in Tongues/Light Language Transmission for the Throat Chakra. This audio is also combined with RIFE Frequencies for the throat.
For: Throat Chakra Activation, Throat Chakra Balancing, Healing of ailments of the throat like Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Sore Throat, Throat infections and more.
Use your earphones or headphones. Lie down with your head to the North. Relax and breathe deeply, exhale longer than your inhale. Although the audio is short, you must continue meditating, bringing your awareness to your throat and doing visualizations until 20 to 30 mins. Repeat this audio as you feel the need to. Recommended is once to 2x a day for 30 to 40 days straight to activate your Throat Chakra completely.
Hydrate after. Do not skip this step. Drinking water allows the DNA changes to integrate.